
Privacy Policy

Privacy- and cookie statement of TMS Certification Course BV

1. Introduction

    Below, you can find the privacy- and cookie statement of the Academy of Brain Stimulation, a part of TMS Certification Course BV, a private limited liability company incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands and registered with the Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce under number 91790573, having its registered office at Burgemeester Cortenstraat 160, 6226 GX Maastricht (hereinafter: “TMS“).

    TMS is the controller for the processing and storage of your personal data. If you have any questions about the contents of the privacy statement, you can contact TMS via In this privacy statement, we explain what personal data TMS processes and for what purposes. We recommend that you read this privacy statement carefully.

    2. Personal data

      TMS processes personal data on a daily basis. In doing so, TMS acts in accordance with the GDPR. TMS respects the privacy of the persons about whom it receives information and handles that information in strict confidence.

      TMS processes different types of personal data for different purposes. The personal data and purposes involved are explained below.

      Implementation of the agreement – service provision

      TMS processes personal data for the implementation of the agreement. In order to provide the TMS course and to contact the participants, we need your name and, if applicable, your company name and VAT, address, postal code and place, e-mail address, telephone number, payment details and information about which brain stimulation equipment you are currently using or intending to use. These data allow us to process your request, contact you, provide our services and keep you informed of the process. If it is necessary for our service provision, we disclose your personal data to third parties. 

      Third party instructors and consultants

      TMS also processes personal data of third party instructors and consultants, which it engages for the provision of its services. Information regarding the processing of personal data of these instructors and consultants is included in a separate agreement with these parties.

      Data procession on the basis of permission

      If your personal data are processed on the basis of your permission, you will be entitled to withdraw that permission. Any withdrawal of your permission will not prejudice previous processing on the basis of that permission.

      Social media

      TMS can be found on several social media, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, X. We can use your personal data when you use functions on these websites and/or apps, such as a LinkedIn like. If you use such a function, we can obtain your personal data via our social media. 

      3. Recipients

      We do not share your personal details with companies, organisations and individuals outside TMS, except in one of the following circumstances.

      Implementation of an agreement

      Issuing your personal data to third-party organisations is permitted if this is necessary to fulfil our contractual obligations, for example in order to provide our services. In that respect, we use:

      • Versio hosts our website on which you register for the TMS course;
      • Flexible Checkout Fiels Pro is used to process TMS system information;
      • Stripe is used for the processing of payments;
      • Brevo is used for e-mail communication;
      • Google sheets is used for managing individual course information; 
      • Zapier is used for the bidirectional communication between the various applications.

      With your permission

      We can transfer your data to other parties if you grant us permission to do so. That permission applies only if it is clear what you are granting your permission for and what the consequences are. 

      For external processing

      We issue personal details to our partners so that they can process data for us on the basis of our instructions and in accordance with our privacy policy and other appropriate confidentiality and security measures. Our partners include our IT suppliers and the CRM system administrator.

      For legal reasons

      We share personal data if we believe that disclosure of the data is necessary in order to comply with applicable legislation, statutory procedures or requests from government bodies. 

      Statutory obligation

      If a statutory obligation requires us to do so, we will issue your personal data. For instance, the police may request data from us in the context of a fraud investigation. Another example includes taxes. On the basis of Section 47 of the Dutch State Taxes Act (Algemene wet inzake rijksbelastingen), the tax inspector may request all data that are needed to levy taxes. 

      TMS imposes conditions on the recipients of your personal data to ensure that these data are handled confidentially and are secured. 

      4. Retention period

      We do not retain your personal data for longer than necessary, unless we have a statutory obligation to retain your personal data for a longer period. Our basic principle is that we retain your personal data only for as long as that is necessary in order to deliver our services. We will subsequently remove your personal data in so far as possible. If, for instance, you have provided your e-mail address so that we can keep you informed of our services, we will retain your data for that purpose. 

      5. Transfer of personal data outside the EU

      TMS may transfer your personal data from the Netherlands to a foreign country. Countries within the European Economic Area (EEA) have a personal data protection level that is similar to the Netherlands. We may transfer your personal data with due observance of the general requirements of privacy legislation. We can do so, for instance, within our group for the benefit of efficient operations. We will transfer your personal data outside the EEA only if an appropriate level of protection exists, e.g. on behalf of adequacy decisions of the European Commission or by means of the standard contractual clauses approved by the European Commission. 

      6. Cookies

      TMS is responsible for the optimal performance of its website. To ensure that the website functions properly, TMS uses technology that involves processing personal data, such as cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on the visitor’s device (electronic appliance) when the wesite is first visited. Cookies are intended to collect information about a person, the website or statistics. Some cookies are also intended to improve user experiences of the website. 

      Types of cookies

      We make a distinction between functional and non-functional cookies. Functional cookies are necessary for the efficient operation of the website and process personal data only for the purpose for which these data are completed. We always place functional cookies, regardless whether you give your permission. Otherwise, the website cannot function well. 

      Non-functional cookies process personal data outside your field of vision that are not necessary for the functioning of the website. That is why we always ask for your permission before using these cookies. Non-functional cookies have a great variety of purposes, but they mainly enable us to improve our service provision. We can, for example, measure how often our website is visited and discover what information visitors are looking for. We use the following non-functional cookies:

      • Fraud Prevention and Detection. Cookies and similar technologies that we deploy through our site help us learn things about computers and web browsers used to access the Services. This information helps us monitor for and detect potentially harmful or illegal use of our Services. For example, in order to process payments transactions for our Users, it is necessary for Stripe to collect information about the transaction. To help secure these transactions and minimize fraud, we collect additional information through the use of cookies and other technologies in helping to identify bad actors and prevent them from making fraudulent transactions.
      • Security. To protect user data from unauthorized access.

      Blocking and removing cookies

      If you do not wish our website to store cookies on your device, you can indicate this in the cookie notice that appears when you first visit our website. If you have previously accepted our cookies, this notice will no longer appear and you will have to remove the cookies yourself (if desired). 

      You can also opt to block the use of cookies via your browser. If you block the use of all cookies, our website will work less efficiently. We advise you to block only undesirable cookies. You can do so in your browser settings. 

      7. Your rights

      You have a number of statutory rights with respect to your personal data: access, correction or addition, data deletion, limitation of processing, transfer of digital data and the right of objection. We explain these rights below. We also explain how you can exercise these rights with respect to us.

      Right of access, correction or addition and data deletion

      Upon your request, we will inform you in writing whether we are processing your personal data. If you have received details about the processing of your personal data, you can request us to correct inaccuracies or to make additions to incomplete information. We will motivate our response. If we make corrections, you will receive a supplementary statement from us. That statement will also be sent to any recipients of your incorrect or incomplete data.

      You can request us to delete your personal data in our systems in one or more of the following cases:

      • the personal data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which we processed them;
      • you withdraw your permission for processing or further processing and no other basis for processing exists;
      • you lodge a motivated objection, and there are no urgent reasons for not respecting your objection;
      • the personal data have been wrongfully processed by us;
      • we have to delete your personal data on the basis of a statutory obligation;
      • we have collected your data by means of mobile telephony or Internet services.

      In the event that you request us to access, correct or supplement or delete your personal, we have to check your identity. This is for example possible via verification of your account or two-factor authentication. Only if there is no other way, we will request you to identify yourself by means of an identity card or passport. In that event, you can blackline the information on your identity card that is not relevant for us, such as your photograph, personal identification number and document number.

      You can also access the personal data we process via your personal account. In your account, you can make corrections to your personal data or register additional personal data. There is also a possibility to delete your account.

      Limitation of processing

      If you have notified us of an inaccuracy or incompleteness in your personal data, you can request us to limit the processing for as long as we are dealing with your request. You may also request us to limit the processing of your data if you believe that we are wrongfully processing your data or if we no longer need them, or if you have lodged and objection against the processing or the further processing of the data. After the receipt of your limitation request, we will continue to process the data only with your permission or if there are compelling reasons for doing so (such as legal proceedings).

      Transfer of digital data

      If you have provided us with personal data in a structured, customary digital file format and we have processed your data with your permission or in the context of implementing an agreement with you, you will be entitled to request a copy of these data from us. In such cases, you can also request that your data be transferred directly to another service provider.


      You may lodge an objection at all times against the processing of personal data relating to you. That applies particularly to profiles that we have created on the basis of your personal data. We will cease processing your data following the receipt of your objection, unless we can put forward urgent justifiable reasons that outweigh your interests, rights and liberties.

      If we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes, you may object at any time and we will cease processing immediately.

      Exercising rights

      If you wish to exercise one or more of the rights summarised above, you can contact us via the following e-mail address TMS will take a decision regarding your request within four weeks, unless we inform you within that period that we need a bit more time. 

      8. Liability

      Despite the care and attention paid to the management of this website, it’s possible that the site contains incorrect information. TMS cannot be held liable for technical or editorial errors that occur in this website, nor for any consequential damage resulting from the use or the temporary unavailability of this website or the links to the website of third parties. 

      9. Complaints

      If you have a complaint about the use of your personal data, we refer you to the complaints procedure at the Home | Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens. This body is authorised to examine your complaint. 

      10. Any questions?

        If you have any questions, send them in an e-mail to: 

        This privacy statement is in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation. We reserve the right to update this privacy statement periodically. The latest version will be published on this page. 
